Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Back in the Groove!

Hey, I've been bombarded with schoolwork ever since I came back, so I apologize for the delay in updates! This semester comes with the promise of alot of new learned techniques and (hopefully) better pieces, so I'll be uploading plenty of new stuff with the free time I have between classes (which means probably later today) :)

Stay tuned!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Rutherford Historical Preservation Committee Plaque Art

During my junior year of high school, the Rutherford Historical Preservation Committee contacted my high school about a student interested in designing the town's first one-room school house to put on a plaque in order to commemorate its contribution to Rutherford's system of education. I was referred to by my teacher, and thus I created a line drawing using reference, which I then vectored on illustrator. The plaque with the image resides on the site of the first one room school house today.

Traditional Animation- Character Animation

I was given a lizard/gecko to turn into a character and animate, and although I don't usually draw reptiles, I decided to challenge myself. I like how the character design turned out! My professor also introduced me to the Trocadero Ballet, and so I drew a lot of inspiration from that as well. If you don't know about them, check out their Dying Swan dance- it's hilariously well-executed!



Character Sheet

Final Weight Shift

Figure Drawing 2- Animal Studies

I had fun with this project. Mostly since I enjoy drawing animals more than humans. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ 

3D- The Inventive Character and Environment

My favorite project this semester, the invented character and environment had to correlate with each other in terms of plot.
Out of sleep deprivation, I thought of a bull who drinks red bull. Then I thought about it more, and asked, well, why? People who drink energy drinks want to stay awake, and I thought that since I gave my bull a pretty beefed up, muscled body in my concept sketches, he must have been a ferocious fighter in the bull-fighting rinks. I understood that bulls were treated poorly in the sport, so I did a bit of researched and the story came to me.
Toro Con Alas (aka Al) is a recently retired bull from the bull-fighting rinks of Ecuador, and due to the poor treatment he received during his career as a fighter, he experiences recurring nightmares. So, in order to escape the repressed horrors of torture and mauling, he drinks copious amounts of energy drinks to stay awake. He resides in a small adobe Mexican house, but remains predominantly in his living room glued to the front of his television in order to distract himself, which doesn't really work unfortunately. Poor guy.

Concept Sketches



Toro Con Alas, the Retired Bull Fighter

Drawing 2- Trojan

The final project for Drawing 2, I'm mostly satisfied with how the piece turned out, especially considering that it's in Perspective (and in 3 point o-o) . However, the colors are bit too saturated for my liking. Overall though, I'm proud of my concept and the general execution! I tried to mess around more with the styling of art for this final piece (as you could tell by the birds hopefully).

Value and Color Studies

Final Piece


Hey everyone! :) This semester flew by faster than I thought it would, and I can't even begin to explain how much work and effort was put into all of the work we were given. I'm glad though, because I'm confident enough to say that I've grown as an artist and an individual, and I'm ready to take on the challenges presented to me in the upcoming years! 
There has obviously been a lack of work shown these past few months, and I apologize- but now that I've been on break for a while and have situated myself to a somewhat routine schedule, I'll be uploading the rest of my projects (well, the ones that I deem fit!). 
So without further ado, I'll be here on an uploading frenzy. Grab your hats, folks! :P

Thursday, March 13, 2014

3D- Completed Ecorche

Hi! Sorry for the late update, but I'm currently in the midst of spring break and I've FINALLY found a good pocket of time to upload a few projects c: 

As promised, here's my completely skinned ecorche. Since we were allowed to do whatever style we wanted with our model's hair, I went with the Sailor Moon-esque look. I know it's clique and whatnot, but it was originally intended as a joke. But alas, I kept it in the end, and I received alot of positive feedback. 
She's a pretty buff Sailor Moon.

And last but not least, here's Carl. Carl the Shark.

Friday, February 28, 2014

3D- Muscle Ecorche

Hey you all (aka no one XD)! I've been very busy as of late, since I'm currently in the midst of midterms. With only a week of classes left until spring break (which I'm super pumped about!), I'm trying my best to catch up with the heavy workload in time to finish everything before vacation...a much needed vacation. 

I'm currently taking a lunch break to upload some work I've completed in the last couple of weeks, starting with my Ecorche for 3D.  

I found building and placing the muscles pretty challenging, and the final piece is still somewhat inconsistent. However, it greatly contributed to my knowledge of muscle anatomy, and today in Figure Drawing I found it much easier to draw gestures- they looked a lot better than how I started out in the beginning of this semester! 

Now I'm cleaning up the skin job. I'll post the final result by the end of next week! :)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

It's Early...Too Early

Good morning! I just wanted to post this before I go to bed (It's 3 in the morning and I made this a week ago...of course it can't wait!) Anyway, even if you're single this Valentine's Day, spend time with those who mean the most to you in your life, whether it be friends, family, your dog, you know. Or if you'd rather go the extra mile, spread the love!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Drawing 2- The Strangest Place I've Ever Been

I don't know what it is with me and trees. I just appreciate their beauty and all they contribute to our well being as organisms of this God given Earth. So why not use them even more to our advantage by carving out their insides and inhabiting them? 

For the record, this project was supposed to be based off of a place that we've visited (either over break or in our lifetime) that we considered weird, strange, odd, etc. Using that concept, we could create what we witnessed using some fantasy elements to really push the original idea. At the time while we were brainstorming in class, I couldn't think of anything remotely interesting (as it was way too early). So I went YOLO and created something completely imaginary. 

I've seen at most one tree house in my life. Never been in one (unfortunately. It's on my bucket list). BUT I have been thru some creepy ass forests, namely the infamous Clinton Road in West Milford, NJ. Although I wasn't going for an eerie atmosphere when creating this piece, I kept many of the overarching branches in mind. I imagined how convenient it would be for tiny dwarf people to live amongst  the treetops and go from one branch to another using a system of bridges (again, blame my lame ideas on morning classes).

Anyway, here's what you really came for: 

Line art (Traditional, Pen)

Final (Digital, Photoshop)
It does seem a bit empty, but for now I'll just say that that's the atmosphere I'm trying to convey. So deal with it.

Ehehehe I mean I hope you liked the finished piece (´⊙ω⊙`)

Friday, February 7, 2014

Drawing I- The Sky is Falling

Hello once again! 

I just felt like uploading this first semester project very quickly since I was able to get ahold of it today while scanning some other pieces at the library. It was my final project for perspective class. As you can only assume by the title, we had to come up with a scenario in which an object is falling from the sky, and depending on whether the viewer is looking up or down at the scene, recreate it in 3 pt perspective. Since it was the final project of the semester and I was pretty much burnt out by then, I randomly chose to base my narrative off of a nuclear plant hurling towards a city in hopes of feeding off of the living organisms who inhabit it (yes, much like Audrey II).

I actually had big plans for this final piece, such as smashed windows and shooting vines that trailed alongside the buildings (I love drawing plants). But alas, it was past 3 am and I still had to finish my final 2D project... 

If anything, I think this final Perspective project helped me realize just how important it is to manage. my. time. Or else all of my hard work would amount to nothing more than a sub par project. So I'll post this here as a reminder to myself of what NOT to do next time.

I'm still pretty pleased with how the plant came out though! 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Traditional Animation- Bouncing Ball Project

Hey! I'm extremely excited to blog today! :) This week marks the end of our bouncing ball project in TA. It's my favorite class by far, although it's VERY time consuming and requires alot of hours, hard work and dedication if you want to get anywhere near complete or have a decent project. I literally just finished revising my final ball project right now, and I'm excited to share my first wee baby steps into the realm of AN-I-MA-TION!

Basic Bouncing Ball 1

Basic Bouncing Ball 2

Bouncing Ball in Perspective

Bouncing Ball w/ Tail

Perspective Ball w/ Tail

Light & Heavy Bouncing Balls

Although animating balls (haha) for 4 something weeks grew tedious after a while, it was a really important lesson for understanding the fundamentals of movement in animation. However, the next project that I'm working on is alot more challenging, and it allows me to employ my creativity to greater use- the Flour Sack! 

I'll leave it at there! ;) For now...Goodnight!

Monday, February 3, 2014


Some doodles from Jan.

Drawing II- Still Life

First 2 weeks of class. 

3D- Wire Gestures

Okay, now that I've finished uploading from first sem, it's time to get on with what's really been happening! 

Here's my wire gesture sequence from 3D. What a pain in the ass.

At least I got them to stand!


I'm not a fan I swear!
My cousins took my bro and I to watch Rebellion over winter break, and although I had no idea what was going on, I appreciated the animation and the style they employed for the movie. SOOoo naturally I felt like drawing the title character. 

This is only one time I promise.

Some Stuff

I did a couple of side stuff while trying to practice on my tablet first semester (could have done ALOT more- it'll change this semester!). 

My roommate's spirit animal

Don't judge me!!

Figure Drawing- Cafe Studies

I apologize for the drop in quality in the next pieces, I took them on my iPhone '^_^