Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Back in the Groove!

Hey, I've been bombarded with schoolwork ever since I came back, so I apologize for the delay in updates! This semester comes with the promise of alot of new learned techniques and (hopefully) better pieces, so I'll be uploading plenty of new stuff with the free time I have between classes (which means probably later today) :)

Stay tuned!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Rutherford Historical Preservation Committee Plaque Art

During my junior year of high school, the Rutherford Historical Preservation Committee contacted my high school about a student interested in designing the town's first one-room school house to put on a plaque in order to commemorate its contribution to Rutherford's system of education. I was referred to by my teacher, and thus I created a line drawing using reference, which I then vectored on illustrator. The plaque with the image resides on the site of the first one room school house today.

Traditional Animation- Character Animation

I was given a lizard/gecko to turn into a character and animate, and although I don't usually draw reptiles, I decided to challenge myself. I like how the character design turned out! My professor also introduced me to the Trocadero Ballet, and so I drew a lot of inspiration from that as well. If you don't know about them, check out their Dying Swan dance- it's hilariously well-executed!



Character Sheet

Final Weight Shift

Figure Drawing 2- Animal Studies

I had fun with this project. Mostly since I enjoy drawing animals more than humans. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ 

3D- The Inventive Character and Environment

My favorite project this semester, the invented character and environment had to correlate with each other in terms of plot.
Out of sleep deprivation, I thought of a bull who drinks red bull. Then I thought about it more, and asked, well, why? People who drink energy drinks want to stay awake, and I thought that since I gave my bull a pretty beefed up, muscled body in my concept sketches, he must have been a ferocious fighter in the bull-fighting rinks. I understood that bulls were treated poorly in the sport, so I did a bit of researched and the story came to me.
Toro Con Alas (aka Al) is a recently retired bull from the bull-fighting rinks of Ecuador, and due to the poor treatment he received during his career as a fighter, he experiences recurring nightmares. So, in order to escape the repressed horrors of torture and mauling, he drinks copious amounts of energy drinks to stay awake. He resides in a small adobe Mexican house, but remains predominantly in his living room glued to the front of his television in order to distract himself, which doesn't really work unfortunately. Poor guy.

Concept Sketches



Toro Con Alas, the Retired Bull Fighter

Drawing 2- Trojan

The final project for Drawing 2, I'm mostly satisfied with how the piece turned out, especially considering that it's in Perspective (and in 3 point o-o) . However, the colors are bit too saturated for my liking. Overall though, I'm proud of my concept and the general execution! I tried to mess around more with the styling of art for this final piece (as you could tell by the birds hopefully).

Value and Color Studies

Final Piece


Hey everyone! :) This semester flew by faster than I thought it would, and I can't even begin to explain how much work and effort was put into all of the work we were given. I'm glad though, because I'm confident enough to say that I've grown as an artist and an individual, and I'm ready to take on the challenges presented to me in the upcoming years! 
There has obviously been a lack of work shown these past few months, and I apologize- but now that I've been on break for a while and have situated myself to a somewhat routine schedule, I'll be uploading the rest of my projects (well, the ones that I deem fit!). 
So without further ado, I'll be here on an uploading frenzy. Grab your hats, folks! :P